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DIY Succulent Hair Comb

DIY Succulent Hair Comb

This month's #plantcraftandshare theme is wearables so today we're making a succulent comb!! I feel like it's a cute and fun thing to do with Bridesmaids, a group or even just if you're like me, craftin' on a Monday night!

What You'll NEed





I didn't use greenery in this one, but if I do I usually always get it at Trader Joes! 


- I prefer using Tacky glue on the live succulents! I find it hold them better and the succulents will even start to grow roots through and around it! (Succulents are crazy like that!)

- The only downside is that the Tacky glue takes some time to dry and one something so small like this, the succulents can pretty easily slide off! So for this project I used Tacky glue on the succulents and hot glue on the dried flowers. The hot glue dries much faster and helped to hold the succulents in place while they dried!

Using Glue on succulents doesn't kill

- Using glue on succulents does not KILL or hurt them. It's obviously not their "ideal" environment to grow, but the point of this is to create something beautiful that brings you some joy and then you can gently remove the succulents and replant them if you'd like!- If you're interested in learning more about how glue doesn't hurt succulents, here's some links!

Glue Doesn't Hurt Succulents! // Garden Answer 


Is Hot Glue Safe for Succulents? // Succulents and Sunshine 


Read the Caption on this Post by Jen Tao

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