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DIY Decoupage Terracotta Pots

DIY Decoupage Terracotta Pots

I love this Decoupage Terra cotta project 'cause you can use any napkin design you'd like to make it unique for weddings, holidays or even just everyday like I did!  It took me a few tries to get it right, but once you get the hang of it, it's super easy! 

What You'll Need





  1. If you're painting a standard TerraCotta Pot, it's a good idea to put down a base coat of waterproof sealer on the inside and out! You'll then paint the entire pot and let dry before applying the Mod Podge. 
  2.  Separate the top layer of the napkin from the bottom.You can cut up your napkin pieces anyway you'd like (or not at all!), but I liked the look of the rough edges when tearing them. 
  3.  Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge.  Place the pieces where you'd like. You might need to smooth it down in some areas. 
  4.  Apply Mod Podge to the edges to secure. 
  5.  Repeat as many times as you'd like! 
  6.  Let dry completely, then add another thin layer of Mod Podge all over. 
  7.  The Outdoor Mod Podge is water-resistant, not waterproof. So it's a good idea to add a final layer of waterproof sealer to the outside and inside of the pot!


Wanna Learn more?

How to Decoupage and Weather proof a Clay Pot  - Patioelf - She shows how to completely waterproof and weather proof! 


DIY Craft Tutorial: How To Decoupage With Fabric And Mod Podge - The O'Neil Sisters - They show how to decoupage with fabric! Looks more complicated but might have to try it! 


Top 5 Decoupage tips to avoid Wrinkles w Napkins! - Patioelf - At about 11 minutes in she shows a good trick with saran wrap to avoid creases and wrinkles!

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